On new year's eve I decided I wanted to start a new tradition, inspired largely by the burning of Zozobra that I witnessed in New Mexico. I found the burning of my "glooms" to be so cathartic that I wanted a little more of that in my life. So I sent Brian outside with a challenge: to create fire using several pieces of soggy wood and a few newspapers. He did not disappoint. An hour later he had a blaze going worthy of burning the most wicked of glooms. We wrote our woes down on slips of paper and cast them into the fire. Gloom! You shall haunt us no more!
Resolutions: (Laces her fingers together, cracks her knuckles, rubs her hands together, prepares to type.)
- As per my earlier entry, stop obsessing over what others think of me. I have decided that when I find myself in the throes of obsession I will inform Brian who has been instructed to then slap me across the face and tell me to get a hold of myself, thereby creating a link between obsession and physical pain that should cure this bad habit.
- Earn more money for our household, i.e. pull my own weight around here.
- Stop obsessing over money and self-worth.
- Drink more water for the love of Pete.
- Read more books.
- Stop feeling guilt over reading books.
- Knit myself a garment that actually looks good on me.
- Stop being a vampire bat and actually have a regular sleep schedule.
- Move to Europe.
- Be content in Indiana.
- Become a travel agent.
- Win the mega millions and be independently wealthy and move to Barbados.
- Find out what I want to be when I grow up.
- Embrace a simpler life - without feeling guilt that I am not living up to my potential.
- Stop accumulating so much STUFF! Stop buying stuff and wanting stuff...
- Right after I get my new pair of boots.
- Be kinder to Brian, avoiding references to his large head (both figuratively and literally) and the gray hairs on it.
- Blog more. I totally blew it last year. I was going to try to beat my 2009 number and failed.
- Be healthier - including the need to quit singing songs about how much I love butter.
- Find the solution to world peace.
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