Resolutions: (Laces her fingers together, cracks her knuckles, rubs her hands together, prepares to type.)
- As per my earlier entry, stop obsessing over what others think of me. I have decided that when I find myself in the throes of obsession I will inform Brian who has been instructed to then slap me across the face and tell me to get a hold of myself, thereby creating a link between obsession and physical pain that should cure this bad habit.
- Earn more money for our household, i.e. pull my own weight around here.
- Stop obsessing over money and self-worth.
- Drink more water for the love of Pete.
- Read more books.
- Stop feeling guilt over reading books.
- Knit myself a garment that actually looks good on me.
- Stop being a vampire bat and actually have a regular sleep schedule.
- Move to Europe.
- Be content in Indiana.
- Become a travel agent.
- Win the mega millions and be independently wealthy and move to Barbados.
- Find out what I want to be when I grow up.
- Embrace a simpler life - without feeling guilt that I am not living up to my potential.
- Stop accumulating so much STUFF! Stop buying stuff and wanting stuff...
- Right after I get my new pair of boots.
- Be kinder to Brian, avoiding references to his large head (both figuratively and literally) and the gray hairs on it.
- Blog more. I totally blew it last year. I was going to try to beat my 2009 number and failed.
- Be healthier - including the need to quit singing songs about how much I love butter.
- Find the solution to world peace.
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