Yay! It's slumber-party-Friday-night!
**This is a total aside. Why can't people seem to spell "yay" correctly? I see "yeah" (which is an informal way of saying "yes") and I see "yea" (which is an affirmative vote) when I know that what they are meaning to say is "yay." Nobody seems familiar with "yay" (which is an exclamation of triumph or congratulations).
And now I'm going to have to watch my grammar and spelling like a hawk lest I be found guilty of some vocabulary faux pas which shall render me a hypocritical fool. (And I know starting a sentence with "and" is totally wrong and yet I love to do it because it's how I speak.)
Back to slumber-party-Friday-night. It's my favorite night of the week. Brian and I developed this little tradition about a year ago, maybe even longer. This is a development that came about after we purchased our totally awesome napping couch. One Friday night we were watching movies and we didn't want the fun to end but Brian, party-pooper that he is, informed me that he didn't think he could make it through another movie in its entirety without falling asleep. So we decided we would start that movie anyway and just sleep on the couch so that we could drift off when the mood struck us without the drudgery of getting up and going to bed. I exclaimed, with the joy of a six-year-old, "It's like a SLUMBER PARTY!" And it was such fun that we now do it every Friday night. We have named it, you guessed it, "Slumber-Party-Friday-Night" and I'm not the only one who calls it that. Brian came home from work today wanting to take a nap because he wanted to "be ready for Slumber-Party-Friday-Night."
It's like a little vacation from the week for us. It signals that the next day is not one of forced responsibilities but a day that we will live on our own terms. We can get up when we want, we can do, or not do, whatever we choose - it's just totally delicious fun.
So tonight we will be snuggling under some cozy afghans, pulling up the ottoman so Reggie will have a place to sleep near us, turning on a scary movie (only because it's October - November 1st I go back to hating them), fighting over foot space, and then peacefully falling asleep with the sweet promise of a free day ahead of us. Ahhhhh. Sweet dreams everyone.
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