Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Wee Wee Wee All the Way Home
Yesterday I had the honor of pig sitting six little piglets. Our friends Dan and Felicia have a delightful, and might I add HILARIOUS, farmstead full of a menagerie of animals. But life on the farm is rough and Dan has had to learn the heartbreak of losing beloved animal friends. But this little miracle of life helps make it seem worth it. The piglets are a week old and are being bottle fed right now. So, that's right: I got up at 5:30 in the morning and bottle fed hungry little, slurpy piglets. And I didn't complain. And Brian almost broke down in tears at the wonder of it all (er, me getting up peacefully...not at the miracle of life.)
Feeding them is a little tricky because it's hard to remember which ones you have removed from the tub and fed already. So I would put the ones I'd fed into the clear bin next to the tub. Except that a few of them could jump out...which made things a little trickier. But never fear, because as you can see, my co-pig sitter, Reggie, was on hand to assist. He worried over them. Licked them. Put his head in the bin like a mother hen to check on them when they made noise. But the biggest help he provided was by herding them when they escaped during feeding time. I knew that this instinct of his (evidenced by his violent attempts to herd the vacuum sweeper) would come in handy one day. I would find Reggie in the corner by the basement stairs and realize Oh! There must be a piglet over there. One more reason to love this most amazing of dogs.
I guess I can check off the "bottle feed a piglet" on my list of things I should do before I die list. :) I'm just a simple gal really.
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