On Friday at 6:00 p.m. the great "Dine-In" officially ended for me. Heather and I have season tickets to the Morris Performing Arts Center and Friday night "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" was on the slate. (The musical by the way, is HILARIOUS and uproariously good! We didn't know a thing about it when we went and we absolutely loved it. I would highly recommend it. It even included a guest appearance by Gordy Young, our dreamy local morning news anchor. Alright, I wouldn't say he's dreamy.) Our tradition is to enjoy a most excellent dinner at Trio's, which is steps away from the Morris, before the show. It was the best way to end my dine-in. They have such delicious food and it is always so good to catch up with Heather. This is what I want dining out to always be like!
Heather and I vacation together each year and so one topic over dinner was this year's plans. We have dates set but no destination. We're sort of running out of ideas. We've done the Alamo, a dude ranch, California in a convertible, and a women's heritage trip to name a few. But we'd sort of like to branch out and head out of the states. But the dilemma is always this: I can't financially tap out our family resources on trips that Brian won't be a part of. He's very gracious in accepting the need for Heather and I to spend this time together but his rule has been that we can't go somewhere that he wants to go. And I don't feel like, regarding these vacations, I have to ask Brian's permission, but I definitely want to be considerate and respectful of my partner. So, my challenge is to find vacations that are interesting and delightful while being the most reasonable in cost possible. (I guess that's sorta the goal with any vacation I plan really.) So maybe the better way to say it is: I'm looking for a super-awesome vacation for CHEAP...that doesn't interest Brian!
In researching vacations destinations I discovered some very good prices to both Costa Rica and London. Heather was definitely interested in Costa Rica but when I mentioned London it was very clear what her preference was. It would appear that she dreams of eating fish and chips in foggy London Town. Now, normally I would never consider suggesting to Brian that Heather and I go to Europe, namely because he had never been and it just wouldn't be fair. But he's currently gadding about in the Netherlands and I have a trip planned for us to Italy in September. And the prices to London are SO GOOD! I figured if there was ever a chance to push this through this would be the year. So Heather and I concocted a plan. Make London sound like a place that Brian would not want to visit. We came up with lots of ideas (some are clearly stereotypes picked up from watching the "Austin Powers" movies - my apologies to the British).
So, I coyly began broaching the subject, planting the subtle seeds of London being utterly dreadful, with my dear husband...who immediately and thoroughly saw through my scheme. He asked, "So what, did you and Heather come up with this little plan together?" I immediately became indignant and denied, denied, denied. He threatened to call her. I told him that it is tax season and she (a CPA) will always be at work.
Brian jumped to the next logical reaction, which for some silly reason, I hadn't seen coming. He posed the question, "if London is so awful than why would you and Heather want to go there?" Dang it! We hadn't planned a response to that one.
In panic, I immediately threw Heather under the bus. She is fiercely independent and incredible, and in no way is she or our friendship a burden to me but I had to do what I had to do. I replied, "I don't really want to go London. It's more that Heather really wants to. It doesn't sound that appealing to me at all. But she really wants to go to Europe and she doesn't have anyone to go with. And isn't it sad?" etc...etc...etc... I'm afraid Brian might have seen through this scenario as well. He really has me figured out, I guess I've lost my air of mystery to him.
No decisions were forthcoming. We'll see what his mood is after visiting the Netherlands with all its easily accessible debauchery.
(And before you go thinking I routinely try to deceive my wonderful husband, know that most of the above conversation was done in a fun, good-humored manor, in which smiles and laughter abounded.) I'll keep everyone posted on the Womyn's Vacation 2009.
And for your enjoyment - a video clip taken from "Spelling Bee" if you're interested in seeing what it's like.
Heather and I vacation together each year and so one topic over dinner was this year's plans. We have dates set but no destination. We're sort of running out of ideas. We've done the Alamo, a dude ranch, California in a convertible, and a women's heritage trip to name a few. But we'd sort of like to branch out and head out of the states. But the dilemma is always this: I can't financially tap out our family resources on trips that Brian won't be a part of. He's very gracious in accepting the need for Heather and I to spend this time together but his rule has been that we can't go somewhere that he wants to go. And I don't feel like, regarding these vacations, I have to ask Brian's permission, but I definitely want to be considerate and respectful of my partner. So, my challenge is to find vacations that are interesting and delightful while being the most reasonable in cost possible. (I guess that's sorta the goal with any vacation I plan really.) So maybe the better way to say it is: I'm looking for a super-awesome vacation for CHEAP...that doesn't interest Brian!
In researching vacations destinations I discovered some very good prices to both Costa Rica and London. Heather was definitely interested in Costa Rica but when I mentioned London it was very clear what her preference was. It would appear that she dreams of eating fish and chips in foggy London Town. Now, normally I would never consider suggesting to Brian that Heather and I go to Europe, namely because he had never been and it just wouldn't be fair. But he's currently gadding about in the Netherlands and I have a trip planned for us to Italy in September. And the prices to London are SO GOOD! I figured if there was ever a chance to push this through this would be the year. So Heather and I concocted a plan. Make London sound like a place that Brian would not want to visit. We came up with lots of ideas (some are clearly stereotypes picked up from watching the "Austin Powers" movies - my apologies to the British).
- London shouldn't even really be considered visiting Europe. They speak the same language as us and share a similar culture. It's basically like staying in the states.
- It's foggy and rains all the time. It's pretty much just as gross as Indiana - if not more.
- Their food is notoriously bland we'll be eating nothing but fish and chips the whole time and maybe some sort of horrible sausage and porridge.
- Brian doesn't even like cities. London is probably just like New York - only dirtier. (He hates even the thought of visiting New York City.)
- The British have bad teeth. Ugh. Who wants to look at that for a week.
- They're celebrity obsessed over there. It's so unbecoming.
- There is that whole "Revolutionary War" thing that nobody's ever really gotten over.
- And talk about snooty! We'll probably be treated with great disdain and loathing the whole time we're there.
- We'll be forced to drink copious amounts of tea. It may interfere with our digestive systems.
- The double decker buses are completely ridiculous. I mean, who really wants to ride around in one of those silly looking contraptions?
- And lastly, the Queen and Prince Charles and Lady Camilla and Princess Di - and David Beckham - Are you kidding me? Who wants to be in such a drama filled land?
So, I coyly began broaching the subject, planting the subtle seeds of London being utterly dreadful, with my dear husband...who immediately and thoroughly saw through my scheme. He asked, "So what, did you and Heather come up with this little plan together?" I immediately became indignant and denied, denied, denied. He threatened to call her. I told him that it is tax season and she (a CPA) will always be at work.
Brian jumped to the next logical reaction, which for some silly reason, I hadn't seen coming. He posed the question, "if London is so awful than why would you and Heather want to go there?" Dang it! We hadn't planned a response to that one.
In panic, I immediately threw Heather under the bus. She is fiercely independent and incredible, and in no way is she or our friendship a burden to me but I had to do what I had to do. I replied, "I don't really want to go London. It's more that Heather really wants to. It doesn't sound that appealing to me at all. But she really wants to go to Europe and she doesn't have anyone to go with. And isn't it sad?" etc...etc...etc... I'm afraid Brian might have seen through this scenario as well. He really has me figured out, I guess I've lost my air of mystery to him.
No decisions were forthcoming. We'll see what his mood is after visiting the Netherlands with all its easily accessible debauchery.
(And before you go thinking I routinely try to deceive my wonderful husband, know that most of the above conversation was done in a fun, good-humored manor, in which smiles and laughter abounded.) I'll keep everyone posted on the Womyn's Vacation 2009.
And for your enjoyment - a video clip taken from "Spelling Bee" if you're interested in seeing what it's like.
1 comment:
Laughed out loud on this one! LOVE your blogs!!!!!
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