On Saturday morning, while sleeping in, I heard a sound familiar to dog owners everywhere. You know, that steady, gagging, sound the dog makes before throwing up. And then I heard the grand finale of puke landing on the carpet. As I contemplated getting up and seeing what havoc was wreaked, I began to hear the sounds of a dog...eating.
Is it wrong that I whispered, "good dog" and rolled over and went back to sleep?
When I got up there was not a sign of vomit to be found. Reggie had cleaned up after himself. This is why he is officially the best dog ever.
That. is. gross. :)
Wow. and I generally think this practice is disgusting. I guess in this light, maybe I need to change my train of thought.... :)Karen
Yes. To quote our friend Dan, "that is very foul." However I think Reggie was thinking more, "Hmmmm...that's my breakfast. Why did it leave my belly? I better put it back in." And this might sound weird, but his, ahem, upchuck, is usually quite tidy and solid. So it doesn't gross me out quite as much. I just didn't let him lick me the rest of the day.
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