
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

And causing me to belly laugh...

Brian and I walk out the back door at 11:00 p.m. last night (to let the dog out) and are greeted by this, proudly standing in our back yard:

And then, a few hours later, upon examining the front yard:

(Why didn't we think of checking there immediately? Idiots.)

Oh you prankstering pranksters. You got us good.


Karen Miller said...

Hahaha! At least it was just a sign you could easily take down (and burn!) and not a bumper stick on your car or something. How much is the GOP paying people to do that?!?!

The Daniels 6 said...

Lisa, isn't there just a little tiny part of you that wants to vote fot McCain only for the fact that Tina Fae does such a great "Palin"?!?! Come on, you can admit it to me! :)