
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day-Time Emmy

One of the jobs that I currently hold is that of church secretary for North Main St. Mennonite Church in Nappanee. One of the joys that accompanies that job is working with a worn-out, antiquated, barely-limping-along, copy machine. It makes me say bad words and behave violently. I've learned to nurse it along and get it to do, mostly, what it needs to do. But lately we are on bad terms more than we get along. I've given it the cold shoulder for two days and it's behaving sullenly.

The church is aware of the situation and a decision had been made to purchase a new copy machine from our office equipment company, a small company in Warsaw that I've had connections with for years. The company is unapologetically Christian, not in an obnoxious in-your-face way, but in a matter of fact way - and I must say that their ethics and business practices have never been anything short of exemplary. A year ago a new, very jolly and slightly scatter-brained salesman, Chuck, was assigned to work up our quote and handle the sale of the new machine.

Fast forward a year. Our church has fallen on some hard times. No new copy machine has been purchased and it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime in the near future (barring some sort of horrible accident that might befall the machine with one axe and one angry woman when no one is looking). Chuck keeps checking in. He desires a sale, I desire a copy machine, but the obstacles keeping us apart are simply insurmountable.

So today he popped into the church office. He tried to make us an offer we couldn't refuse. I apologetically explained our situation. He understood. It's the same story everywhere. The economy is in the tank in Elkhart County and everyone is waiting to make pricey expenditures like copy machines. As he got up to leave he admitted that in a month he would probably no longer be with the company. He can't make ends meet when there is no commission coming in. There was a bit of an awkwardness as we joked around and tried to figure out how to part ways, realizing it would be our final goodbye. I was saying things like, "Well good luck Chuck, hope to see you around." And as he turned to go he began to speak and said, "Well, I guess if nothing else I'll see you..." Now I expected him to say, "I guess I'll see you around," or "maybe I'll run into you in Warsaw" or "maybe we'll work together again someday under different circumstances." But no, instead he said, "Well, I guess if nothing else I'll see you at the Pearly Gates. And I'll be asking you if you ever got that new copy machine."

How day-time Emmy dramatic! I had such a great laugh. Oh Chuck, you gave me my favorite conversation of the day. Best of luck to you.

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