
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blues Fest 2010

This year's Blues Fest was a great bunch of fun as always with all the old traditions and a few new twists sprinkled in.  All the necessities were there: Al's pizza, bubbles, crazy hippie hoola hoopers, jugglers, frisbees, rain (but we had an AWESOME system for dealing with it), yummy snacks, free stuff, cops, and of course amazing music.  My favorite line heard this year: "I want to make love to a crocodile."  Really?  Lanie and I thought that sounded ummmm...uncomfortable. 

As far as new twists go, most notably was our most fantastic and awesome sighting of the World Naked Bicycle Ride!!!!  They ride to "celebrate freedom from oil and the beauty of people."  And they were DELIGHTFUL!  Lanie and Kevin had spotted them some years earlier so knew the deal.  So when we got stopped at a light to let the HUGE crowed of nudie-toots pass we happily yelled out our support and wishes for peace.  They responded most vigorously and kindly.  I wish I could say the kids were asleep and that it left no impression on them...but it was definitely a hot topic the next day.  It's the human body, what's to be ashamed of in that?  Although Melanie (my niece) did not enjoy the way the men "showed off." 

Also this year we introduced the "official reprimand" to our Blues Fest circle.  The rule is you are not to leave the circle unless you have informed someone of where you are going.  (This rule was instituted because of the children...however it goes for all.)  This led to some official reprimands being spread around.  And then it turns out there are many things one can be reprimanded for.  Handing out the reprimands is awfully amusing.  The power may have gone to our heads. 

And this year, Brian had his birthday on the last day of the fest.  So (and this is Brian's and my thing) on your birthday those around you must do whatever you request.  He's just not as good at abusing that power as I am though, although he tried.  He said we couldn't reprimand him on his birthday.  He did receive a warning though.  

Finally, a new twist that was added was the violent illness that hit me hours after arriving home.  I would like to blame the sickness on the port-o-lets but I think something was already beginning before we even arrived in Chicago on Friday evening.  (Brian also had a version - although his did not leave him with a bruised forehead from the rim of the toilet as mine did.)  Luckily we staved it off until after all the fun was had.  All things considered, the weekend was a huge success!

Thanks Kevin and Lanie for hosting us and always making it such a great time!!! 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Brian!

When Brian and I were in premarital counseling one of our assignments was to write down 15 reasons why we love the other person.  The idea being that people get married because they "love" the other person but that love is seldom defined.  When you have to write down 15 reasons why you love someone you have to delve a little deeper and really examine your relationship - you get past all the "he's so hot" kinds of responses.

So here Brian and I are 13 years later.  I don't even have those original papers.  I wish I did but they're probably in a file somewhere with our old pastor or have been destroyed.  Sigh.  So I thought as a tribute to Brian (for his birthday) I would come up with a new list.  A list of things I love about Brian that I didn't know about before we got married, that I couldn't have known about.  And while they may seem small or trite, if you read into them a little...you'll understand why they're huge to me.

  1. Everytime I cook supper he says, "thanks for supper." 
  2. He cries when he tries to sing certain hymns or songs.
  3. He knows that I love McDonald's filet-o-fish, he doesn't judge me for it, and he always, without question, orders it just the way I like it: no cheese, extra tartar sauce.
  4. He always runs to the store for me to pick up grocery items I need for whatever I'm making.  And he usually doesn't fuss.
  5. He leaves the radio playing in the car whenever he runs into the store and I stay there.
  6. He ALWAYS helps me clean and cook and get ready for company or big events like the piano recital I hold for my students without question.
  7. He has supported me in all my major career decisions since we've been married: from going to back to college to beginning a ministry position, to resigning that position.  He doesn't question, he just supports.
  8. He aims one of the air conditioning vents in the car on the back seat when Reggie rides with us.
  9. He still gives me a kiss and tells me he loves me every morning...even though much of the time I'm too asleep to be aware of it.
  10. He enjoys being in the kitchen with me while we cook up a feast.
  11. He still laughs at all my hijinks.
  12. He never gets mad about or questions how I spend our money.
  13. He makes our vacations as much of a priority as I do and trusts my planning.  And I rarely have to touch a piece of luggage while on vacation...nor do I ever have to pack the car.
  14. He loves to nap every bit as much as I do.
  15. After thirteen years together, he still loves to be at home with me and values quality time.
I could probalby come up with another 15.  But what I'm trying to say is: basically, he's really easy to live with and he's really easy to love.  I'm one lucky gal.

Happy Birthday Brian!  I love you!

A Little Life

You may be wondering what I'm doing with my time now that I'm not going to work every day.  Basically, I've turned very domestic.  I tidy the house.  I mow the lawn.  I read.  I knit.  I go to roller derby practice.  (Okay, the last one's not so domestic.)  When Brian comes home for lunch, I give him a play-by-play recount of the activity at the bird feeders...and then we spend some time cussing about the fact that no humming birds have yet used our feeder.  When did I turn 83?  To borrow a word that my mother-in-law used recently, I'm in danger of becoming a hermit.  I LOVE being at home!  So far, I'm not in the least bit bored.  It may happen.  And if it does I will begin volunteering at the local animal shelter.  And then I will probably end up with a house full of reject animals...and I won't be bored anymore!

In other news, we attended a couple of really lovely graduation open houses recently and there is one thing I look forward to at open houses.  CAKE.  I love cake.  White cake with buttercream frosting.  And those open houses give me the fix I need until the next time I run into cake, perhaps at a wedding or birthday celebration.  (I can't buy it for myself because then I have to admit that I have an addiction.)  We celebrated Brian's and my birthday at my mom and dad's house this weekend.  She made pie.  I love pie...but I wanted cake.  But it was no big deal because we were headed to an open house afterward.  We arrived, my mouth salivating thinking of the tasty treat that would soon assail my tastebuds.  I walked up to the snack table.  NO CAKE.  No big deal.  There would be another open house a few days later.  We arrived...to find an ice-cream machine and NO CAKE!  I ask you, what is the point of ice cream without cake?  What has this world come to when one can in good conscience throw a party and NOT HAVE CAKE?  This is not a world I want to live in.  I did not have ice cream.  I didn't have the heart to.  Epic failure northern Indiana.  Epic failure.  If this is the new trend I shall boycott all birthdays, weddings, baby showers, and open houses until things are put right again.

I also thought you might enjoy the following conversation between Brian and myself.  Just a little random fun.

Brian: Smell my thumb.
Lisa: (Recoiling in horror...because who does that unless said finger smells awful?) NO!
Brian: Smell my thumb!
Lisa: Get it away from me!
Brian: Just do it!
Lisa: NO! Just tell me what it smells like.
Brian: Just smell it.
Lisa: Uh-uh. 
Brian: It smells good.
Lisa: (Finally smells stupid thumb.)  It does smell good.  Why does it smell so good?
Brian: Because I scratched my armpit.

Hope you all have a good weekend!!!