
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Quit, I Give Up

If you read my post on Friday, you are aware that it was a rough day. It continued to get worse (with one bright spot that I'm still trying to figure out how to write about here). But the whole week was a real downer, a bonafide bummer of a week.

To continue the horrible Friday. Before going to the grocery store, Brian and I stopped at the post office (to mail letters) and the pharmacy (to pick up my new stupid fluoride toothpaste prescription). We get to the pharmacy and we cannot find the script for the stupid toothpaste. Harsh looks and sighs were exchanged and Brian claimed he never saw the blue piece of paper that was clearly on the top of the stack that I handed him to be in charge of. (To be fair to Brian, it was a huge stack, including bank deposits, car payments, library books, mail, and a prescription script.) Turns out we threw the script in the post office box with the outgoing mail. (The post office called me which I find embarrassing because they now know all about my bad teeth.)

Then we head to the grocery store and they have rearranged the whole goodness-saken' store! The bread is on the opposite side of the store, I can't find the soy sauce, and our shopping cart veers to the left. And clearly the person who is in charge of this overhaul does not enjoy food or anything to do with eating because the store makes no sense whatsoever. It was the wrong day to do that crap to me. Poor Brian worked so hard to get my spirits up. And he was wonderful.

On Saturday, while getting ready to head to my knitting class, I turned on my Coffee House Blend of music to soothe me a little and this song came on. And when it reached the refrain I stood quietly and thought "EXACTLY." It spoke to how emotionally drained I felt, and how tired I can get of trying to get eveything in life right.

I couldn't find a great clip of this song...the video is from the end of a Cold Case Episode and the song is "Circle" by Edie Brickell. (And I know the song is technically about a circle of friends - but I still thought it fit my attitude fairly well.)

But this week I have vowed to turn things around. I have renewed my resolve to remain positive. (As long as the dentist doesn't call me about scheduling an appointment for my molar's coronation.)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ways to Waste a Friday Afternoon

Here is our preferred method of wasting a perfectly good Friday afternoon:

Turn on Sirius Radio Coffee House Blend (with the intention of cleaning your house), fall down on the bed, call your adorable dog up to entertain you, and then let said dog have his way with you for about an hour.

Oh, and spend about 25 minutes trying to get a decent self-portrait of your happy little family.

Cold Weather Tradition

There is one thing that the onset of cold weather means in our house. Pull out the afghans, put on fleecy pajamas, get cozy, and prepare yourself for an epic marathon of:

We started our marathon last Sunday afternoon and finished it up on Tuesday night. We have the extended versions so that means a good solid 11 hours of movie watching excitement.

It makes settling into winter a little more bearable for me knowing I have well loved traditions to look forward to.

(I just wish Brian wouldn't think Liv Tyler is so "flippin' hot." Gives me a complex everytime she comes on the screen.)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lisa and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I woke up with upsetting news still running through my mind, I didn't have any creamer for my coffee and I didn't even have any milk in the house so my coffee tasted gross, the library book I'm half way through couldn't be renewed because someone had requested it, the perma-cloud had settled over Indiana, I had a dentist appointment at noon, and I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

To start with, I discovered last week that my tires are bald and will need to be replaced soon, or at least before winter. Goodbye $300 dollars.

Then I discovered that I forgot to record a check (to a charity no less) into my checking account which resulted in TWO non-sufficient fund fees to the tune of $62. I'm normally really careful about these things so I'm FURIOUS at myself.

And to top it all off, I had a dentist appointment at noon. And honestly, going to the dentist is the most miserable thing I do twice a year. And it's not because of any pain that might occur there. They can pick at my teeth, polish them with gross grainy polish, and make my gums bleed all day long. Doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is the cotton-pickin' guilt trip they send me on every time I'm there!

"How much pop do you drink?"

"Do you drink coffee? Is it with sweetener? Is there sugar in your creamer or artificial sweeteners? Why don't you read the label?"

"Do you floss? How often?"

"Are you using the fluoride that we prescribed to you? Are you using it regularly?"

LEAVE ME ALONE! I come in twice a year consistently and responsibly. NO, I don't floss everyday or use your stupid prescription fluoride EVERY night before I go to bed, and I can't function without my coffee and creamer in the morning, and I have a Mt. Dew every now and again FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME? Evidently they would like me to lie a lot and make promises I do not intend to keep because that is exactly what happens every time I go to the dentist. They make me squirmy and I start sweating bullets under their intense inquisition and threats until the lies come flowing out of my mouth. These people should work in the police department coercing innocent citizens into confessing crimes they did not commit because these dental professionals are good.

I may not be the poster child for the dental care community but I'm sure I'm not the worst patient they have either. By far. I try. I really do.

So to get back at me for trying to be a good dental citizen but not measuring up to their lofty standards, they declared that I have two cavities and a tooth that will explode if it does not receive a crown. (Alright, the tooth won't explode but a piece might break off.) And I innocently ask the price of a crown at the front desk...and it is a royal price of $1,148.00. That crown better come adorned with rubies and diamonds. Do you know what kind of good could be done in this world with $1,148.00!?!?!? And that's not even covering the two stupid cavities I need to have filled.

And now Brian wants to go grocery shopping. (We haven't actually been grocery shopping in...well a long time.) So we'll get to drop an ungodly amount of money on food now. And shopping with Brian can be like shopping with a seven year old where I'll have to endure him trying to sneak peanut M&M's into the cart and listen to him whine about how he needs Pop Tarts. And I'll have to gently and constantly remind him that Her Majesty the Molar needs a crown and that the serfs will have to go without their cake for awhile.

I am so ready to move to a commune now and live off the land, toothless and happy, and free of money woes.