
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Student Becomes the Teacher

A lesson learned on St. Patrick's Day:

Do not purchase tempting St. Patty's Day cupcakes and cookies, promise your first-grade piano student that he can have one at the end of his piano lesson, and then expect that he will focus on anything other than his future cupcake during his piano lesson.  

This normally stellar and cooperative student suddenly became so weak with starvation that he could not perform very simple tasks.  

Me: "Would you like to play another rhythm game?" (Normally a big hit.)
Student: "Not today"

Me: "Let's play through this song again and see if we can get it perfect."
Student: "I would, but I'm just so hungry."

Me: "Are you ready for flashcards?" (Normally met with enthusiasm.)
Student: *Heavy Sigh* "Do we have to?"

*Note to student...the lesson will last a half hour no matter what activities we use to fill up this time slot.

Me: "Okay, we're all done!"
Student: (Bolting from the piano) "Thank goodness, I'm starving."

He's absolutely adorable.  And a wonderful piano student!  I was just highly amused that he taught this experienced piano teacher (who thought she had piano students completely figured out) that she still has a thing or two to learn about child pyschology.