
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Fishy Story

A few weeks ago Brian was away for the weekend repairing a screen in Virginia and I, with a particular and shameful weakness for McDonald's Filet O'Fish meal, decided I should treat myself to this culinary delight.  However, I made the mistake of talking to my sister on the phone and divulging to her my plans.  She shamed me.  She said that if it was a fish sandwich and fries I was desiring that I should simply make it myself, that it would be more delicious and nutritious.  Since I had nothing better to do, and the guilt she had laid upon me was quite immense, I decided to give it a go. 

The first step was purchasing the supplies.  While I try to avoid pre-packaged foods, the ingredients list on the fish fillet box did not seem overly offensive.

I then had to bake my little patties of fishy goodness.

Whilst (I think that word should be used more.  Don't you?) the fish was baking, I whipped out some delightfully tasty tartar sauce, if I do say so myself.

I lovingly placed my fries into a cozy little oil bath.

I then had to tear up a brown paper bag (since I haven't been purchasing paper towels, which would have been much easier in this situation) and spread out my happy fries and sprinkled them with sea salt.

Then I had to steam my buns, because a true Filet O'Fish connoisseur knows that the bun must be steamed for that soft cushiony delightful feeling.

And then it was time to assemble my meal.  Just a tad classier than eating out of a paper bag in a parking lot.

So now you are probably wondering what the verdict was.  (Or how bored I could have possibly been to not only cook this meal, but document the entire process.)  Well...

I should have gone to McDonald's. 

My first mistake was in listening to a woman (my sister) who earlier in the day had prepared six quiches and ten pounds of roasted potatoes for a meeting that would not take place for another week.  She did not discover this gaffe until arriving at the EMPTY meeting location, food in tow.  So, she doesn't even know what day it is and I'm listening to her give me advice about how to make food that is better than a trusted institution.  (Okay, I know that McDonald's is absolutely horrible and I try not to eat there.  It can't stop me from loving their delicious food though.) 

So I gave it a shot.  It didn't take long to prepare.  I'm sure it was better for me.  But my fries were too thick and they got soggy.  And the sandwich lacked a certain je ne sais quoi.  And somehow it just didn't have the delicious irresistability of that Number 9 meal that I adore.

It was probably the absence of plastic and crack-cocaine that is likely in those yummy fries and sumptuous fish sandwich.  Still...


Lanie said...

Fine, throw me under the bus. But it looked delicious, you just need to tweak your techniques. And the last time I got a fish filet at McDonalds, I was sorely disappointed and swore never to buy another!! :) Also I thought we were never to mention that other incident again!!

LISA LYNNE said...

HAHAHA! You know I love you Lanie. I felt that the details were integral to the story.

Linda said...

Love McD's fish sandwiches. And salads. And stuff.

Deeb said...

LOL! I love your stories!! :) At least it looked good!

Derrick Ramer said...

You forgot the cheese!! That's why your fish sandwhich fell short. How can you, a McFish connoisseur, forget about the cheese!? Seriously!!

LISA LYNNE said...

Derrick! Don't you know how I order my filet o'fish sandwiches? Extra tartar sauce, hold the cheese. Silly man.

Derrick Ramer said...

NO CHEESE!!! SERIOUSLY!!! You're missing out, the cheese on the McFish rocks.

Kelly W. - aka "Pippercat" said...

I give you kudos for at least trying to copy it. But, really... NO CHEESE?!!!! I like extra cheese and extra tartar sauce on mine.

LISA LYNNE said...

McDonald's cheese, unlike most of their other yummy offerings, is GROSS! Cheesy me no likey.