
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Evils of Gambling

So I'm not going to go gambling with Brian anymore because he is a HORRIBLE influence.  First of all, he took me to a casino.  So there you go.  Bad influence.  Secondly, he is a horrible gambler.  I play penny slots and I have a method.  I walk around.  I let the machines speak to me.  If they don't speak to me I don't play them.  Sometimes I try a machine and two pulls into it I realize it must have been speaking to someone else.  I pull my money out and I walk away.  When I have won a dollar or two (it's penny slots remember) I pull my money out and walk away looking for a new whispering machine.  And then, before I know it, I have gingerly turned my $20 into $34.57. 

Brian sits down at a machine and tries to manhandle it into giving him money.  He doesn't care about what the machine may or may not be saying to him (typical man) because he's got some words for that machine!  He sits there and pushes that button over and over willing it to take him to the sought after bonus round where he thinks the real money will be made.  And if the machine doesn't take him there immediately he thinks he's in too deep (you know, $2.50 or so) to just get up and walk away and therefore must keep playing on said machine until he wins and recoups his money.  Oh he has a sickness.  And that is how Brian aggressively turns his $20 into $8.33.  I remind him often that I am clearly a better gambler than he is.  He disagrees.  But the money doesn't lie. 

And then I don't know what happened.  He got in my head.  He manhandled my brain like he manhandles those machines, except I wasn't as strong as those machines.  One minute I tell him we should cash out, take our $15 profit and go get some lunch.  20 minutes later we walked out empty handed.  NADA.  So, I'm not going to go gambling with Brian anymore.

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