
Trying to Live a Life that is Full - and sometimes writing about it ad nauseam.

Monday, July 21, 2008

My List of Most Treasured Troyer's Hollow Experiences

We spent this last weekend at Troyer's Hollow, home of many happy family reunion memories for my husband, Brian. He camped there as a child with his mother's family and we decided to return there this summer. It was all kinds of fantastic. Here is my list of memories that will remain with me from this adventure:

1. 275% humidity. That is no exaggeration...of the way it felt. Dampness. Everywhere. Every moment. Sweat. In places.

2. Karen Renee, breaking apart glow sticks, splattering the children with them, rendering them fluorescent warriors, assuring us all the while that the glowing material was nontoxic and would not stain clothing.

3. Eric reading the glow stick package, "toxic, will stain clothing, may cause skin irritation, etc..."

3. Pallet wood for fires. Where the flaming ends of the pallet wood falls is any body's guess.

4. Kickball on wet grass. Enough said.

5. Sparklers, super sparklers, and illegal fireworks.

6. Trying to roast a marshmallow over a 20 foot flame.

7. A rain storm resulting in a mad to dash to tear down tents and get cars across the creek before the waters rose.

8. The flash flood that turned the trickling creek into a raging river.

9. The fact that the only way out of the hollow was to cross the raging river whilst hanging onto a rope that was tied to two vehicles on either side of it.

10. The fact that the Troyers were completely unbothered by this, in fact, seemed to enjoy it! (i.e. the raging river evidently looked inviting, causing some to throw intertubes and their bodies into it.)

11. Discovering once again that the more dangerous and foolhardy the activity, the more the Troyers dig it.

It was really a great weekend. This is a group that doesn't complain or get bored - ever. It's so refreshing.

They also never go hungry.


The Daniels 6 said...

LIsa, I loved the entry! YOu captured the highlights perfectly..in quite a humoruos fashion I might add! I had no idea you are a blogger! I can't wait to add you to my favorites list. I'll be reading you often.

Deeb said...

Great description of the Troyer Tribe! I laughed so hard! And I love the story of Bryan and the pants. :) All of your stories are great! Thanks for blogging about the reuion, the more stories I hear the less I missed! :)

The Chandler's said...

Don't really know how to to this but I laughed to hard that people walking by my office at work stopped to ask me what was going on. I loved the entry and I do love my family!!! Karen R